What a week! Our long-planned RV trip has now been re-christened "The Honeymoon" because we were able to legally get married in the state of California this week. Here we are at the courthouse swearing that we told the truth on our application. It made one of us, at least, get all teary. Legal things do that. It's really, really great when it's real. . . to lots of people. It's always been real to us, but now it's on the books. Cool.
Read the Salinas Californian article.
View the Salinas Californian photo gallery. Note that there are typos (e.g., we're really not from Prunedale!).
If you're a California resident, Vow to Vote NO on the proposition this November that will change the California constitution to enshrine marriage inequality. And please note: it only takes 51% of the vote to change our constitution.
Whoo hoo! Love it and you both look beautiful. I can't wait to see you and celebrate!